Tools and calculators.
Take advantage of our free-to-access tools and calculators, designed in conjunction with eye care professionals specifically to make busy practices more efficient and stress-free, saving on valuable chair time and reducing lens-wear drop-out.

Speed up lens prescribing with OptiExpert™ v2.0 app.
The free OptiExpert™ v2.0 app helps make contact lens selection even easier.* The app features Efron Grading Scales and Oxygen Profile comparisons plus a new Smart Prescription Calculator which instantly converts virtually any sphere, toric or multifocal spectacle prescription into a contact lens prescription.
*OptiExpert™ is an educational, reference and information tool for eye care professionals. Eye care professionals may choose to use the app in connection with their own patient evaluation but it is not intended to be relied upon for clinical decision-making. OptiExpert™ is not intended as and does not constitute medical or optometric advice nor is it intended to replace the patient evaluation performed by an eye care professional.